# Ping

To use the Ping identity provider, first go to the Ping One (opens new window) console.

# Create OpenID Connect App

Click Connections in the side menu, select Applications and click Add Application

Ping Add Application

Name the application and use the Pomerium authenticate redirect URL. For example: https://authenticate.localhost.pomerium.io/oauth2/callback.

Underneath Configuration there are several options which will be used in the Pomerium configuration:

  • The idp_provider is set to ping.
  • Issuer: used as the idp_provider_url (e.g. https://auth.pingone.com/720dbe8a-83ed-48e1-9988-9928301ae668/as)
  • Client ID: used as the idp_client_id
  • Client Secret: used as the idp_client_secret

Ping Configuration

# Service Account

To use allowed_groups in a policy, an idp_service_account needs to be set in the Pomerium configuration. The service account for Ping uses a different application and client ID and client secret from the one configured above.

Click Add Application, but this time select Worker/Worker App.

Ping Add Worker

This application's Client ID and Client Secret will be used as the service account in Pomerium.

Ping Worker Configuration

The format of the service account is a JSON encoded object with client_id and client_secret properties:

idp_service_account: |
    "client_id": "WORKER_CLIENT_ID_HERE",
    "client_secret": "WORKER_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE"

A base64 encoded JSON object is also supported:


# Pomerium Configuration

idp_provider: "ping"
idp_provider_url: "https://auth.pingone.com/720dbe8a-83ed-48e1-9988-9928301ae668/as"
idp_client_id: "CLIENT_ID"
idp_client_secret: "CLIENT_SECRET"
idp_service_account: |
    "client_id": "WORKER_CLIENT_ID",
    "client_secret": "WORKER_CLIENT_SECRET"