# Identity Provider Configuration
This article describes how to configure Pomerium to use a third-party identity service for single-sign-on.
There are a few configuration steps required for identity provider integration. Most providers support OpenID Connect (opens new window) which provides a standardized identity and authentication interface.
In this guide we'll cover how to do the following for each identity provider:
- Set a Redirect URL (opens new window) pointing back to Pomerium. For example,
. - Generate a Client ID and Client Secret.
- Generate a Service Account for additional IdP Data.
- Configure Pomerium to use the Client ID and Client Secret keys.
- Configure Pomerium to synchronize directory data from your identity provider (e.g. groups membership), by setting a service account.
You must configure an IdP Service Account to write policy against group membership, or any other data that does not uniquely identify an end-user.
# Pomerium-Dex-Freeipa Exercise
This exercise depicts the authentication flow for the services which don't have authentication flow
Flow with the diagram
User makes an unauthenticated request to the service
Pomerium proxy receives the request and recognizes it as anonymous
It redirects the user to the auth provider for authentication
Upon successful login, Pomerium provides an auth cookie to the user.
Based on the cookie, Pomerium identifies the user and checks policy to determine whether to permit access. Authorization is based on identity factors like id, email, group, role, or email domain.
When the cookie expires, the login flow gets triggered all over again.
Here is our flow for accessing nextcloud service
User access https://hello.YOURDOMAIN.dev
It will be redirected to the https://authenticate.YOURDOMAIN.dev (which is pomerium's authenticate service url)
Pomerium's authenticate service will redirect this to check at oidc provider( in our case DEX).
Dex(which is backed by FreeIpa in our case, freeipa's LDAP as backend) will check if the user is valid or not and after that flow gets redirected to pomerium back if user is valid.
User is finally redirected to the nextcloud service if all goes well.
Now to implement this flow we have configured static dex client pom
with pomerium's authenticate service redirectURL
Note: I am using dex helm chart and in backend freeipa as a ldap server
- config:
bindDN: uid=dex,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=YOURDOMAIN,dc=dev
bindPW: mN****tG****
host: freeipa.YOURDOMAIN.dev:636
insecureNoSSL: false
insecureSkipVerify: true
# (Group Search )
baseDN: cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=YOURDOMAIN,dc=dev
filter: "(|(objectClass=posixGroup)(objectClass=group))"
userAttr: DN # Use "DN" here not "uid"
groupAttr: member
nameAttr: cn
# (User Search)
baseDN: cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=YOURDOMAIN,dc=dev
emailAttr: mail
filter: ""
idAttr: uidNumber
nameAttr: displayName
preferredUsernameAttr: uid
username: mail
usernamePrompt: Email
id: ldap
name: FreeIPA/LDAP
type: ldap
issuer: http://dex.YOURDOMAIN.dev
level: debug
- code
skipApprovalScreen: false
# (Here I am creating static client for pomerium)
- id: pom
name: pom
# (pomerium authenticate service url)
- https://authenticate.YOURDOMAIN.dev/oauth2/callback
secret: pomerium
Below is configuration which supposed to be done in Pomerium
Note: I am using Pomerium helm chart
# routes under this wildcard domain are handled by pomerium
rootDomain: YOURDOMAIN.dev
# (give any name instead of hello, this will be the proxy url to access the particular service)
- from: https://hello.YOURDOMAIN.dev
# (give fqdn of the actual service which is being authenticated, here I am giving nextcloud service endpoint, which is running in nextcloud namespace)
to: http://nextcloud.nextcloud.svc.cluster.local:8080
# allowed_domains:
#(in general give here your domain)
# (If you want to give access to particular group members, I have tested this by creating devops group and members in that group, in freeipa)
- devops
# (If you want to give access to particular group members, I have tested this by creating devops group and members in that group, in freeipa)
- devops
# (I didn't specify the root level CAs so)
insecure: true
# (This will give you details if user is not able to authenticate, ideally this should be turned off)
LOG_LEVEL: "error"
IDP_SCOPES: "openid,profile,email,groups,offline_access"
# (This we have set in dex's static client also remember! should be same)
redirectUrl: "https://authenticate.YOURDOMAIN.dev/oauth2/callback"
provider: oidc
clientID: pom
clientSecret: pomerium
# (your dex url)
url: http://dex.YOURDOMAIN.dev
scopes: "openid profile email groups offline_access"
# (for group based access policy)
serviceAccount: "pomerium-authenticate"
enabled: true
name: ""
secretName: ""
name: ""
cert: ""
key: ""
hosts: []
hosts: []
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
kubernetes.io/ingress.allow-http: "true"
cpu: 150m
memory: 100Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 100Mi
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